December 18, 2020by admin0

Content marketing consists of creating and distributing quality content to attract and retain an audience. We are not talking about brand content here. We are talking about content that brings value to your audience that talks about him and his problems but not about you.

Content marketing is subtle, educational, and always relevant. Your audience will appreciate it, you will gain their trust, and they will mature until the moment a prospect who has read you calls you to ask for your help because you are their expert. While it is for your customers or for your visibility on the web, quality and optimized content for website referencing are essential today in a global Marketing strategy.

The decisive advantage of content marketing is that it costs significantly less than traditional marketing but generates three times more leads. In addition, it is the preferred way for the majority of Internet users to obtain information about a business because more than half the community of internet people prefer to learn something by reading an article rather than an advertisement. Let’s go through some important aspects of content marketing so you will get an idea of how content marketing is important for businesses especially in the present digital world.

  • Popular assumptions about content marketing.
  • Format of Content Marketing.
  • Importance of Content Marketing in Business.

Popular Assumptions about Content Marketing

The three major means of content in the digital era:

  • Blog
  • Website
  • Social Network

The blog is one of the first social networks to have seen the light of day (skyblog, Myspace) and since then it has evolved a lot. Indeed, nowadays, the blog represents the social network par excellence of marketers and this for two reasons. The first is Netlinking. The second is to be able to show your expertise through a quality article. Blogs are therefore a real gold mine for marketers today.

The website itself to make a difference in the face of the competition, it is essential to highlight your strengths through quality content on each page of your website. In addition, on the side of search engine algorithms, Google clearly shows its desire to promote relevant and well-organized content. Since 2012, Google’s Panda and Penguin programs have penalized sites with low added value content. The creation of quality content is therefore the starting point of the virtuous circle of natural referencing.

Social network – it’s obvious, the emergence of social networks has simplified and accelerated the flow of information. She also placed the notions of engagement and virality around informative content at the center. In addition to being an excellent medium, social networks, therefore, play a crucial role in changing the way brands communicate on the internet. Writing content directly on social networks and sharing quality content VIA social networks are the two new challenges for e-marketers.

Format of Content Marketing

Content have many types. Like images, videos, music, and text format, etc. These formats are in use on regular bases to communicate with customers.

Crowdsourcing is a content marketing practice that involves asking fans for advice when a business has to make a choice. This technique has a double advantage for the brand.
– It flatters its customer by giving him the floor, which facilitates brand membership and loyalty.
– It allows the company to know what pleases its customer and therefore to adapt to his desires.

The importance of content marketing using video format is most likely to be shared, which will undoubtedly help your content go viral. Thus, video makes it possible to optimize the construction of its network and increase the reach on notoriety.
In addition, the video has an increasingly strong influence on natural referencing.
Finally, video is the most attractive content, so it can be useful when you want to send a message to your target in a marketing e-mail and in your press relations.

Importance of Content marketing in Business

More than 90 percent of marketing managers in the internet community consider that content plays a key role in the success of any business. We can conclude that content marketing is a philosophy of value creation. It is essential to feed your inbound marketing approach but also to feed all your outbound marketing actions (prospecting e-mail and social selling for example). In addition, search engines love content, so content marketing is the keystone of an effective natural referencing (SEO) strategy.


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