December 9, 2020by admin0

A lengthy but easy process. People make it difficult and messed up if they didn’t get results earlier. Most of the people do not know at what time which step they need to take. This one is a very short but too much effective guide of SEO. Those who need help or looking for a paid course to learn SEO, I would suggest them to stop your search and just read and follow the instruction that has been discussed in this article. We have included complete on-page SEO (SEO process, Keyword research, long-tail keywords, and short-tail keywords, etc.) and off-page SEO. Keep one thing in mind, taking the right step at right time is the most effective thing in SEO. Steps that will include in SEO are written down:

  • Friendly Web Design
  • Keyword Research
  • SEO Optimized Content
  • Internal Linking
  • Alt Tags of Images
  • Backlinking

We can extend the topic names by making the chunks of described points. But to make it in a summarized and easy format, we will study all the things in the detailed description of the above-mentioned points. 

SEO process

Friendly Web Design

Forget about SEO right now, only you need is a friendly web design where your targeted users can easily access the information they want to see. A friendly layout of a website is also plays role in retaining users. Slow speed is one of the main reasons why visitors leave a website. Making sure your website loads within 4 to 6 seconds is important for good usability. It also affects your search engine ranking.

If you’re hiding your prices, you probably have something to hide. If you’re hiding your contact information, you look like you don’t care. Don’t make your visitors have to search for the information you should easily provide. Image matters a lot. If your website looks outdated and disorganized your victors think that the same about your product or service.

Keyword Research

A very sensitive step, we can say that we are going to create the base of SEO because we create optimized content by using the keywords that we have chosen for our website SEO. Keyword has many types of how to choose keywords to promote your content is the main concern right now. Let me explain the two major types of keywords and then we will see how to search for keywords.

  • Long-tail Keyword
  • Short tail Keyword

Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords – are basically in the form of sentences. More than two or three words in one search create a long-tail keyword. Like sometimes users search on Google in a questioning mode (i.e. “How to do website SEO”).

Short tail keywords

Short tail keywords – are the search queries that are less than or equal to words or sometimes it extends to multiple words but doesn’t make any proper sentence (i.e. “website SEO”).

The best way to choose keywords is the long-tail keyword selection approach. Because long-tail keywords also cover short keywords. An authentic, free, and easy to use tool to select keywords is “Google keyword planner”. Google keyword planner provides multiple checks to specify your search. You can select your target country, time duration (results about past searches), etc. You will get many results when applying a search a query like:

  • Relevant Keywords.
  • Keyword difficulty (Competition).
  • Average Monthly Searches.
  • Top Page Bids (Low and High Range)
google keyword planner

The relevant keywords column shows all related searches according to your search.

Keyword competition gives us an idea that how much the keyword is in use on the other competitor sites. It shows the competition in three formats Low (rarely used keyword), medium (average used keyword have not a strong competition), and high (most used keyword and have tough competition to rank on Google search engine).

Average monthly searches give us the information about how many searches have been generated according to our search query, and about relevant searches as well.

Top page bids have two types, low and high. These bids are actually for advertising purposes. If you are working on organic SEO then you don’t need to see top page bids columns.

SEO Optimized Content

Content is the only way you use to interact with customers, a way that you use to convey your message. In this step, you will write down your services/products, company vision, your business story, and all details that your customer needs. You will use the keywords in your content that you have selected before writing. The density (repetition) of a keyword should not be more than 4 percent neither less than 2 percent. 

Less than two percent usage of a keyword will not helpful for the search engine to recognize which keyword you want to rank on Google. Whereas more than four percent usage of a keyword in your content indicates Google search engine that you are excessively using the keyword. Excessive use of a keyword is a violation of Google policies. You may get a penalty from Google (Your site will be removed from the search engine). Writing website content by following the above procedure is SEO optimized content.

Internal Linking  

You need to link your website pages that are relevant to each other. You may have multiple services that relate to each other. In this scenario, written content will explain the whole procedure but you have displayed each service on a separate page and the piece of content will explain only the same service that is written on the page. But to relate that service to the other one, you need to create an internal link. So users can easily reach out to full information through links.

Alt Tags of Images 

Pictures explain more than words. It also creates a beautiful and attractive look for the website. Somewhere images are necessary to use as well. What if your image is not loading in your user’s browser? At this time, alt tags will help to know the user what type of image is placed here. The alt tag is a title description place of an image. It will display on the screen if the image is not loaded. Images also help in website rankings, and alt tags are the main source to rank the images. To get improved results of SEO, alt tags must be used for images.


You are all set. Means your on-page SEO is completed. Now it is time to advertise your website and to gain trust. Start publishing your website on social media, classified ads sites, website 2.0, in other relevant blog’s comment section and tell people what they can get from your site and why they need you. Find websites that allow guest posts. All the links of your website that you are giving on other websites are backlinks. Backlinks have too much worth in SEO. It shows Google that other sites are trusting on you and indicating that you are valid for whatever you are doing. It increases your rank upwards in search engines. Backlinking is an off-page SEO that can never end. The more you get links from popular sites of the same niche, the more you get a stronger place on the internet.      


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