From where will you start your search engine optimization process? Your first turn should be in the right way to reach your destiny. We start search engine optimization in different situations of businesses. For example A business, that exists physically and needs to start an online business. Whereas, A person is going to start an online business without having any physical existence. What would be the first step of search engine optimization in both situations?

We cannot take the same step in each scenario. No doubt, we have to apply some basic steps to implement in each search engine optimization process. But here, we will see when and what step we can take first. Let’s look at the steps of the search engine optimization process that we can take first.

First Step of Search Engine Optimization Process | Requirements

For your website marketing strategy, you need to determine where your business is currently standing. You need to identify the following questions to start website marketing.

  • What goals you want to achieve from website search engine optimization? 
  • Where is your target audience exactly? 
  • How your audience searching for you? 
  • Who are your competitor? 
  • How much cost can you spend to market your website?

If you’re going to start a new business then, you need awareness of the following points.

  • Do you have enough experience of the business you are going to do? 
  • Who will be your competitors?
  • What will be your uniqueness?
  • Do you have a sufficient budget for your new business?
  • How will you attract customers? 

After configuring these questions, you will have a clear mind on what your exact needs are. Using this process, you can choose your first step perfectly for your website’s search engine optimization process.

Your First SEO Step:

After the completion of your requirements phase, you can take your first SEO step that might be the following one:

  • Your domain name
  • Keywords Research

Both Steps belong to ON-PAGE SEO because the first implementation of search engine optimization starts from ON-PAGE SEO. Without ON-PAGE SEO, you cannot even proceed with search engine optimization. Now we will see how to implement the first step of the search engine optimization process.

What’s The First Step in Search Engine Optimization Process

Select domain name

Your Domain Name

This step is for those people who do not have any existence of their business. Not physical nor online. So, you’ve defined the requirements for the new startup business. You’re also confident that you’ll achieve success in your new business.
Now you need to get an attractive domain name that has the following characteristics:

  • Your domain name should be your business name.
  • Its meaning should relate to or direct click your business. 
  • Your domain name should be a commonly used word.
  • You should be able to create your Social media appearance using the same name. 
  • Where will you promote your business? International level or national level? Choose your desired extension.

The unique appearance of your business is as essential as your business reputation in your audience. If you want to create a brand impression in front of your customers, you have to choose a unique name that isn’t in use on any social medium. 

Choose your domain extension that suits your business geographically. Like if you’re going to start your business in Canada. You only want to target your local country audience. In that case, you should select a .ca extension. If your audience is global, then use general domain extensions like .com, .net, or .org. These domain extensions will not reflect any mean of focused or limited target area audience to the search engines. 

Your social media appearance is necessary to reach your audience in a fast way. Having a unique username on social media will help your customers to find and remember you. 

You can find out a unique domain name from any online free domain checker tool. In one click, it will also help you out to know that your chosen name is available on how many social media platforms.

Keyword Research

Businesses that already exist and looking to expand their set up online. They should do keyword research in the first step of the search engine optimization process. Keyword research is time taking and a little technical step for your website marketing. How will you do keyword research for your website? You will get an outclass result using the following process:

  • Open Google keyword planner.
  • Write your keyword and select your targeted countries.
  • You can use your business product or service name as the keyword.
  • Google keyword planner will show you multiple keyword combinations.
  •  There are some more parameters like Difficulty level, Traffic value. 
  • Select keywords that have a high rate of traffic volume and a low level of difficulty.

You can filter out too many keywords for your website and embed them in your website content. I have discussed a simple and basic process here to make your work process smooth. There are too many paid tools where you can find out most effective keywords. So, one of these steps could be your first step in the search engine optimization process. I hope you can easily find your first SEO step process.

search keywords


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