In the context of digital marketing, a CRM tool is designed to compile customer data from different communication channels like emails, telephone, social networks, web pages, etc.

Cutting costs to be more profitable and have a competitive advantage is what companies want to survive. It is one of the most drastic measures used to try to improve its financial results. Each year, companies try to “sacrifice” certain operational expenses, in order to potentially increase their profits. Many employees see some of their expensive tools disappear or not be replaced. This is particularly the case with CRM software, which has a significant operational cost. According to a survey company, in 2016 54{2295d0dad657ab99e258985526f2345fbd008bdd6d75544407b1a2019c6b05bc} of respondents believed that the main reason limiting their use of CRM software was their cost/budget.

CRM software effects come at an astronomical cost because it provides unique functionality that no other “simple” alternative provides. Cybexo CRM makes it possible to centralize information and exchanges between salespeople and customers/prospects and to better manage your commercial activity with a history of activities and interactive and useful dashboards. Excel or Google Sheets will only save the information and sort contact lists. Cybexo CRM is much more accessible financially and also allows you to manage the customer relationship as well.

View of Different CRM Software That Are Available In Market

There are free solutions. Indeed, some CRM companies have developed free versions intended for small businesses/individuals / self-employed that allows up to three users. For small businesses or young startups looking to cut costs, this seems more useful than simple Excel software.

By opting for a free version of CRM software, employees will be more restricted in their uses. Other CRM software, they will not be able to access the sales forecast, macro data, email parser, detailed reports, etc. On the other hand, they will have access to a number of functionalities inaccessible with Excel or Google Sheets: Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Tasks, Events, Notes, CRM View, Integration with social networks and many other functionalities. But with Cybexo CRM software, they can access more users and other features. In the end, each company must choose the right free plan that corresponds to it.

But you have to realize that these free versions do not offer all the advantages of the “premium” versions.

CRM software effects can improve the digital marketing of businesses through:

  • Customer segmentation
  • Increased customer connectivity
  • Cost reduction
  • Increase Sales

Customer Segmentation in CRM Software

With the help of good CRM software, you can segment your customers according to their online behavior, their area of ​​interest, their age and/or their location. The more information can create a greater possibility of personalizing your messages or offers when you communicate with them.

Increased Customer Connectivity

Improved connectivity between businesses and their customers has changed the way people interact, not only for sellers but also for users. Communication has become two-way. Nowadays, customers feel the need to communicate directly with businesses and can easily do so through live chat or messaging on their own social networks.

Cybexo CRM software often has a built-in mailing module, which allows you to create personalized emails for each customer.

Cost Reduction

An effective marketing campaign must offer a high return on investment. Customer relationship management tools help reduce marketing expenses by reducing the work that employees should be doing. For example, CRM has automated tools to analyze and manage customer data, thus avoiding the recruitment of additional staff. In addition, data analysis can offer sales and growth opportunities, as it will allow you to prioritize certain commercial actions over others.

Increase Sales

Many customers do not go through the first step of the payment process. With a customer relationship management tool, you can identify when a customer visited your website and became interested in a particular product or service. Thanks to cookies, it is then possible to place personalized ads on social networks or other platforms, in order to maintain customer interest and attention for your product.

Cybexo CRM software will allow you to create a marketing campaign that is best suited to the needs of your customers, but also the most competitive.

How to increase sales through CRM software

The first version of the cybexo CRM tool with basic features is about to release. Keep connected with cybexo, sooner we will give you a free tool that will be helpful for your business. Stay happy.

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